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A Journey from the Spotlight to God's Light and Love

Rev. Amy Miranda boldly shares her story so that others may be open to the power of God's intentions for each of our lives, no matter the darkness of our past experiences. Her "7 Lie Busters" in the final chapter provide an everyday tool to reinforce the truth to move us forward into God's light and love.

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Amy's powerful story - delivered as a live presentation and in her book, move people toward change, acceptance, and freedom to live in God's grace. 








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Sample: Lie Buster #7

‘I am too far gone to be saved.’

God's Truth: “… for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.…”   Romans 3:23

God doesn't weigh our sin on a scale. It’s folly to compare the transgressions of our past with those of someone else’s life in an effort to determine who is ‘better or worse’. In the eyes of God drug addiction or prostitution is no greater a sin than another woman’s gossip and judging. Forgiveness and redemption are offered equally to all who commit to walking in God’s light. My past and yours are the same in His eyes. 

New message to self:  Like all of God’s children I am never beyond His love and forgiveness.


Read Amy's book "Prostitute to Pastor" or give it as a gift to someone in need.  PURCHASE NOW


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